NITSO Desk Monitor
Employee Monitoring Software in India
Nitso Desk Monitor – Employee Monitoring Software System in India automatically keeps track and tells the employer where and for what the employee has been using their time at work. It monitors your employee’s work PC, tracks the applications and websites, logs, etc., and sends random screenshots to you. Desk Monitor employee monitoring software India will eventually boost the work productivity of your employee and increase data security and build a disciplined work culture within and around your company. It answers one of the essential questions of 21st-century businesses “how to know if every remote employee is working or not during their working hours?”
Desk Monitor employee monitoring software system in India enables you to get robust data for a more productive and efficient team. The Nitso monitoring application will take computer screenshots randomly or at intervals as decided by the employer. The Software also keeps the activity log of tasks by employees. The entire data and tracking could be checked and reviewed online whenever required, as the information generated by Desk Monitor could be used as evidence.

Pros of Nitso Desk Monitor
Desk Monitor – employee monitoring software system is specifically designed so that it can be utilized in each and every service sector that always happens to face the troubles of an unproductive workforce. The pros of using Nitso Desk Monitor software are as follows.

More Productive Time
With Desk Monitor: employee monitoring software system in India working in place, your employees will be self-aware about their work and their efficient working hours. This will skyrocket the collective productivity of your workforce.
Reduced Error
Better Employee Perceptions
Workplace Transparency
Reduced Administrative Work
Increased Security
Who will be benefited most from
Nitso Desk Monitor?
Almost all the companies ranging from small to medium to large will be benefited equally from the Desk Monitor employee monitoring system in India. As the work-from-home culture has been developing significantly in India over the last few years, employee monitoring tools are already getting implemented abundantly. The companies/ individuals who benefited from using Desk Monitor employee monitoring software system are as follows. Visit following link if you wish to know about the Benefits of Employee Screen Monitoring Software.
Employee Monitoring Software for Small Companies:
Desk Monitor employee monitoring software India fulfills the needs of every small company to get productive working hours of employees. The affordable pricing and user-friendly interface are well suited for small companies.
Employee Monitoring Software System for CA Firms:
Desk Monitor employee monitoring software will be most helpful and effective for professional and legal companies such as CA firms since it can remotely track every employee’s useful working hour and maintain proper transparency
Employee Monitoring Software for IT Companies:
Work from the home policy has existed in IT companies almost for several decades. Desk Monitor employee monitoring software India will prove to be one of the essential workplace software working for any IT company.

What are the Key Features of
Nitso Desk Monitor?
Keeps a proper record of the employee’s apps logs with idle time. The Software provides a complete bird’s eye view of all your employee’s activities during working hours.
Takes random screenshots or screenshots at intervals of the employee’s PC. The interval of the screenshot could be set to any interval as per the requirement of the company.
Desk Monitor employee monitoring software India monitors each and every employee’s activity in complete secrecy. You can track all the activities being performed online by all your employees during working hours and boost efficiency.

The Software keeps a record of every minute of your employee’s efficiency. It tracks and prepares a comprehensive report of your workers’ efficient hours. Also, this employee monitoring software India reports every starting, ending, and total working time of each of your employees day by day.
Accurately track each and every app and website (like youtube) your employees use individually.
See NITSO Desk Monitor: Employee Monitoring Software
System in action